Later by stephen king
Later by stephen king

Burkett that the ritual was successful, Mr. As a result, the demon must not only stop haunting Jamie, it must also answer when Jamie calls. Burkett does some research and suggests that Jamie engage the demon ("deadlight") in a battle of wills, called the Ritual of Chüd. Jamie turns to Professor Burkett, a former neighbor, for help. Tia dumps Liz not long after when she finds cocaine on Liz. Jamie suspects that Kenneth's spirit has been possessed by an evil being. While many lives are saved, Kenneth's ghost starts haunting Jamie instead of fading away like other ghosts. Despite Jamie's discomfort, Liz has Jamie talk to Kenneth and reveal the bomb's location. With authorities closing in, Kenneth has shot himself, but not before planting one last bomb. One day in 2013, Liz demands that Jamie help her with a situation involving a serial bomber named Kenneth Therriault. Tia then writes the book herself, saving them financially. Tia asks her girlfriend Liz, an NYPD detective, for help in doing so, since the police are looking into his death (which turns out to be of a heart attack). Facing financial ruin, Tia asks 9-year-old Jamie to speak to Regis's ghost to find out his intentions for the last book. Then, in late 2009, the star author of her agency, Regis Thomas, dies without having completed the 10th and final book in his popular book series. When the financial crisis in 2008 hits, Tia's mother's assets get caught up in a Ponzi scheme that her brother, Harry had invested the agency's funds into. She says ghosts may know secrets that people want kept hidden. Tia warns Jamie not to tell others about his special abilities. She runs an agency that was formerly run by her brother, Harry, who now has early onset Alzheimer's. Jamie's mother, Tia Conklin, is a single mother and literary agent. The ghosts must respond honestly when asked a direct question. In Later, Jamie Conklin, is a boy who can see and speak to ghosts, who typically remain for a few days following the death. Kenneth knows that someday later he may have to battle the demon again to banish it for good. However, when Jamie's life is imperiled years later, he calls on the demon for help. Jamie is warned never call on the demon, since it risks inviting that demon back into his life. As a result of the this, the demon must come if Jamie calls on him. But Kenneth's spirit is overtaken by a demon who haunts Jamie until Jamie undergoes a battle of wills with the demon. One day, he helps to figure out the location of a bomb by talking to the deceased bomber, Kenneth. The one-paragraph version of this: Jamie is a boy who can see and speak to ghosts.

Later by stephen king