As a boy, Catton first heard the reminiscences of the aged veterans who had fought in the Civil War. His father was a Congregationalist minister, who accepted a teaching position in Benzonia Academy and later became the academy's headmaster. (Patten) Catton, and raised in Benzonia, Michigan. Early life Ĭharles Bruce Catton was born in Petoskey, Michigan, to George R. He won a Pulitzer Prize during 1954 for A Stillness at Appomattox, his study of the final campaign of the war in Virginia. His books were researched well and included footnotes. Known as a narrative historian, Catton specialized in popular history, featuring interesting characters and historical vignettes, in addition to the basic facts, dates, and analyses.

Charles Bruce Catton (Octo– August 28, 1978) was an American historian and journalist, known best for his books concerning the American Civil War.